Closest Relevant Homes Closest Relevant Homes Closest Relevant Homes - Single Page 1Target2Audience3Budget Choose your starting point*Closest to the address featured in your postcardI want to edit data optionsNo, I want to mail another areaAre you looking for a certain area(s) or street(s)?* We use our algorithm to locate the Closet Relevant Homes to your featured property’s address as a starting point, we then locate the Closest Relevant Owner-Occupied homes or condos from there rather than the old radius method. Example: If you have Sold/Listed/UC/Found Buyers etc, a $400,000 Single Family Home, We will first locate the neighborhood, subdivision or building it is in, and then expand using geo search adding additional similar single family homes, in this case, that have an automated value price tolerance of 30% less/more than your featured property price. I want to customize the data selects Yes No (Will add approximately .03-07 per address at billing)Owner Type* Owner Occupant Only Owner and Non-owner occupied Renters Property Type* Single Family / Row Houses Townhouse Condo / Co-Op - Multi Dwelling Property Value $25K to $200K $200K to $350K $350K to $500K $500K to $700K $800K to 1MIL 1MIL to 2.5MIL Over 2.5 Million Length of Residence 1 Year or Less 2 Years or More 3 Years or More 5 Years or More 7 Years or More 9 Years or More 10 Years or More Loan to Value = Loans / Market ValueLTV Mortgage / Appraisal 90% 80% 75% 50% 25% No Loan How many addresses are you expecting in this request? This type of triggering marketing is an effective method to leverage your recent transaction and obtain additional listings. Approximate Quantity to Mail*Tell us how many you want to sent out! If you choose any custom areas/selects, often there more homes than your campaign budget. Indicate how many you mailed for this campaign. Δ