Mailing List / Addresses

Mailing List
Marketing Lists & Data Filters | List Stacking | Specialty Lists

Direct mail is a powerful approach to lead generation for real estate agents and Realtors. Just like with other media channels, the better it's executed, the greater the return and results will be. Moreover, it can be deployed at various levels and pairs well when combined with your other marketing channels.

One of the most important components of any direct mail campaign is the list. While the list doesn't have to be complicated and utilize advanced compiling methods and data filters, it's essential to target the right audience. The more relevant the list is to your prospects, the more effective and brand-resonating it will be.

Popular lists include geographic-based neighborhoods, subdivisions, or condo co-op buildings. This audience allows agents to bring a hyper-local focus to their marketing message. Being relevant is rather easy as long as you focus on the area related to the prospect's home. Real property, and specifically primary residence, accounts for 68.1% of the owner's wealth on average.

  • Thus, real estate agents who consistently mail to their geo-farms become a property resource in that area.
  • Or, agents who use "Trigger Marketing" can capture the interest of possible sellers as they monitor the market and observe the tools an agent brings to a nearby listing.


  • Elite Ultra-Wealthy Top 1/2% Mailing List for Luxury Property Marketing
  • List Stacking for Seller Direct or Buyer Letters
  • Embassy and Consulates of Foreign Governments in the USA
  • Top/Elite Professional Athletes  & Sports Figures
  • Long Term owners with specific Loan to Value %
  • Appreciated value with regard to Life Stages

Want to drill down more? We offer a complete selection of just about any list available to reach prospects. Many of these are from the largest data compilers in the world, and some are small boutique agencies who provide us with feeds that we append and finalize here. Regardless, you'll find our online mapping tool to be the best available. If you don't want to get caught up in the details, our Closest Relevant Homes and Prebuilt Lists will make it very easy to initiate any campaign. When you are focusing on a sector we have the very best


Map Your Area

Open this tool to draw a polygon of an area you have interest in. From this starting point, we can analyze turnover rates, quantity, type of property and can also apply various property an demographic data filters to build your list.

Select your Neighborhood

This database has all Metro DC (DC, MD and VA) subdivisions with a Block/Street Build for each

Do You Want to Simply Draw the Area You Want To Mail?

For the Untied States, we can build a list based on your identification of any geographic area. 

Use the Map Your Area Tool above, and draw a polygon map of your desired area.

Then simply add a few notes, as to your interest i.e.

  • Just all Property Owners
  • or Everyone in Shadyside Heights
  • or only those that have lived in their home 7 years or more, have a LTV of 20% or less and are over the age of 52
  • or Build My Geo Farm!  

Are you Looking For Metro DC Subdivision?

In each of our direct mail products, you'll find a List Build Tool. One of those tools are Metro DC subdivisions that contains all the subdivisions in a block and street build format

Select your Neighborhood

We have most subdivision for the entire USA however, that is very propriety data and we don't not post it all online. 

If you are curious or want to research on your own, you can access a limited version here.

If you don't see what you are looking for or want any modification just send us a note. 

Mailing Lists For Realtors

Targeting homeowners for new listings is one of the most effective outbound marketing methods agents can deploy. A well-crafted mailing list is crucial for maximizing your marketing ROI. While your MLS is a good starting point, we can often provide additional insights.

We're both list compilers and brokers, with access to numerous sources and thousands of data points. Our in-house modeling can create lists using multiple platforms, including property data, demographic information, and historical trends. By combining these and using regression analysis, we can drill down to identify the most promising prospects for your campaigns. We also offer data cleaning, correcting, and appending services.

Our online tools, designed specifically for real estate agents and marketers, are easy to use and provide essential data points for compiling targeted lists.

Need something specific or a Specialty List Count? Use our list count request form or contact us for more information or a consultation. We'll define the key data components for a successful targeted list for your direct mail campaign.

Map My List

Begin with a geographic area around an address or draw polygon or select a zip code or city. Then add your real estate data centric filters. Homeowner/Renter, Length of Residence, SFH or Condo, Home Value and/or many more!

This is "Ultimate List Builder Tool" and the envy of the industry! Unlike other tools, this integrates not only our own databases but pulls from 3 additional compliers. These ensures the accuracy and availability as well as the abiltty to integrate various data sets -real property, demographic and data sciences -predicative, into one single tool. You will find in all our direct mail products as an option. It features a low min of only 100 Records and if your selection was larger than you budget you can easily override and just enter the number of records you want for your campaign.

Built In List Tool/ See How It Works

mapping image

First Name
Last Name

Additional Selects with Multiple Options Each
Dwelling Unit Single Family/Multiple
Home Market Value
Home Purchase Amount (Property)
Home Purchase Date (Property)
Length of Residence
Market Decile
Real Estate Investor

Predicative Analytics
Likely To Sell House/Residence In The Next Year
Likely To Buy A First House/Residence In The Next Year

  • Instant Online - Over 120 configurations

  • Low min - Only 100 Addresses

  • Sigle Price Point - No add 'l cost for adding data filers


Subdivisions, Condos,
Co-oPs & Apartments
Metro DC

We have these on demand for Metro Washington DC area. Remove blocks or streets, combine neighborhoods. Select only single family homes or townhomes or only condos. You have all this at your finger tips thus the ability to build and/or order using any of those parameters. Want to then add some additional data filers – We can do that here and then send you your final list. For Example – " I want all of Alta Vista in Bethesda 20814 only those homeowners that have lived there for 4 or more years."

Take A Peak/ How It Works

  • Subdivision - All Block & Street Builds

  • Condo - CooP - Building Name

  • Apartment Buildings - Rental Units

My Mailing List

Select one of your own list(s) from our List Manager Tool.  Our My Mailing List platform allows you to place all your list(s) i.e. Farming(s), SOI, Team, Events, Don Not Mail, Leads etc. into your account. These list our maintained by us and accessible by you for any direct mail product we have. Use one list for your next campaign or select them all. We update them as needed for Postal Verification, National Change of Address, Private Change of Address, Deceased Records, Vacant, DPV and more!

We Will Build You A List  Do you need a Geo Farm or Data Farm list or need your SOI cleaned up? Looking for a Have Buyer List or Seller Direct List?  Leverage our experience and access to multiple data compilers. We do this every day and our intimate with real property and lead generation for agents.  We use data science, AI and  "On The Fly" custom algorithms to build target areas or list. This Hyper-Local approach, often first starting with an previous data Assement, or model before starting to ensure the best results.

Add an Additional List to your selected List on File - Closest Relevant Homes. If your mailing is related to a property or a specific geo area, you can easily add a fixed amount of those homes/addresses most relevant to the address featured on your card. It will be complied by us and then added with any duplicates removed.

  • My Mailing List in your Account

  • We Maintain & Update

  • We Will Custom Build List For You


Closest Relevant Homes

This tool is the easiest to use and will provide you an accurate target for your next campaign, th8us ensuring results and solid branding.  Don't get caught up in defining your area. If you have a listing you want to leverage all you can while you are marketing that property. We use your listings property and geo characteristics to build your mailing list-On The Fly.

Superior to what others use, a basic homes in a radius, our Closest Relevant Home tool first maintains the initial geo boundary - subdivision, neighborhood or building, then the type of dwelling fee simple or multi and then your listing price. The next level then analyzes those properties in proximity - their market gain/loss and current value and calculates a Lower and Higher Number, to pull from. All you have have to do is decide how many you want to mail. Using this methods allows you to simply define a budget for the campaign and be assured you have a relevant audience.

  • Easy - Simply Decide How Many To Mail

  • We use data science to compile the list

  • Be Assured - Right Audience For Your Campaign

Custom List
Prebuilt List & Absentee Marketing

Have you own ideas on who you want to target. Simply choose from one of our Prebuilt Marketing List or select the data filters that you want for you own custom list. Within this tool, you can also specify non occupant owners. We have these records with the owners mailing address (not the site address) so you reach these absentee or investor owners at their homes or offices. You can target just Non Occupant Owners in this platform - and/or add how long have they owned this property.

The greatest feature of this method is you simply enter how many you want to mail. This budget friendly approach allows you to define your criteria but not get into the details of compiling these complex lists. Decide how much you want to spend or how many you want to mail and you are done.

  • Simply Decide How Many To Mail or Spend

  • Popular Prebuilt or Custom

  • Predictive Analytics | Sports Figures | Embassies & Consulates


Elite Ultra-Wealthy Markets Mailing List                                                                                                                        Luxury Property Marketing

Agent's who exclusively or often represent/market luxury properties know the value of the reaching the ultra-wealthy. This elusive and influential audience requires data building from over 74 compliers who have over 1,890 data sources.

We know the value in marketing to the ultra-wealthy sector. Through deep insights into their purchasing, investing and lifestyle behaviors we use our expertise to pinpoint your precise target audience, and provide the data tools you need to reach them effectively.

Proving unmatched data accuracy through long relationships with our exclusive data sources – we go the extra mile to validate each data piece to ensure it is sound and receptive. This allows us to craft a truly comprehensive view of the ultra-affluent market. Our postal data is elite and unmatched, and our receptive emails can’t be found from anyone else. We are effectively painting via data, an authentic validated picture of this ultra-elusive - ultra-wealthy luxury buyer.

Our parent firm Inmark Media, LLC achieves data authenticity through the most diligent hygiene practices available, generating clean and responsive ultra-wealthy data to ensure maximum campaign success. Our compilers are passionate about marketing, and we have the experience, insight, and expertise to boost your campaign to the ultra-affluent into high gear! These are so target list with preset data filters built in them and pulled with various sources both public and private compilers

A Few of our Pre-Package Data Builds

  • Real Estate Holdings Single – Multi – Vacation – Second Home
  • Real Estate Investor Markets
  • Wealthy Markets
  • Elite Ultra-Wealthy Markets Top ½-5%
  • Affluent Women Markets
  • Chairman of the Board / Corporate – Home Address
  • Physicians – Know investors
  • Philanthropic, Political and Large Donor Markets
  • American Express Credit Card Holders
  • Wealthy First Class and/or Overseas Vacation Travelers

Wealthiest 1/2% to 5% US Citizens

Updated: 2/2023

The audience of this marketing data is the most exclusive set of individuals in the United States.  Over 67 criteria are used to establish income level, and through a proprietary algorithm, more than 162 factors are utilized to establish net worth ensuring that only the ultra-wealthy are included.  This distinguished audience represents the careful and selective amalgamation of only the most distinctive individuals in all of our elite data.  A sampling of the sources for this notable audience includes fundamental real estate transactions, public courthouse records, and self-reported preferences.  The individuals who have contributed their intricately detailed investment, purchasing, and lifestyle preferences range from jet and yacht owners to America’s largest business tycoons and benefactors.  Premium mailing lists for these influential individuals are available in a spectrum of top percentage options: the top 5 percent, 3 percent, 1 percent, and half percent.   All marketing data points are double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience.

  • 487,546 The Upper Wealthiest 1/2%
    35,608 With Phone Number
  • 1,196,447 The Upper Wealthiest 1%
    92,862 With Phone Number
  • 5,708,991 The Upper Wealthiest 3%
    221,563 With Phone Number
  • 1,935,882 Opt-In Email Address (Total)

Major Political Parties Both parties

Contained in this premium mailing list is an ultra-wealthy audience made up of powerful and influential individuals with a hand in politics.  Being comprised of industry leaders, media moguls, family foundations, controlling stockholders, and America’s “A” list, this elite audience has a historic involvement in politics.  The active donors of this marketing data have made generous donations to both political parties within the last 12 months in excess of $5,000 ensuring an active role in their political representation at state or federal levels.  All marketing data points, self reported and public, are audited and double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience.


The audience in this premium marketing data is a collection of active, affluent investors with a portfolio of at least $2,000,000.  The prominent individuals making up this premium mailing list with optional opt-in email addresses have expressed a qualified interest in investing or have already invested a minimum of $10,000 within the last 12 months.  These investments have been made conservatively in C.D.'s, real estate, municipal bonds, annuities, or money market funds; and/or speculatively in NASDAQ, oil & gas, commodities, or futures markets.  All marketing data points, self-reported and public, are audited and double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience.

Homeowners, with High Incomes & Equity in Their Homes

Updated: 1/2023

High income and high net worth individuals who have a high percentage of equity in their home.  This equity is available for attractive investment opportunities, second homes, luxury purchases, home improvements, vacations, etc.

  • 8,404,216  Homeowners, with High Income & Equity
  • 6,777,224  With Phone Numbers
  • 1,827,077  Opt-In Email AddressesOverall:
  • AVG. AGE 58
  • AVG. INCOME 145K
  • AVG. NET WORTH 880K Plus


  • 379 Total Billionaires – Requires Purchase of All no Geo Sectors
  • High Income Executives &, At Home Addresses, who generally earn well over $450 Per Year and Invest
  • 102,874 - High Income Executives, who earn $450K+ salary + who are Investors
  • 218,913 - High Income Professionals, who earn $550K+ salary + who are Investors
  • 268,481 With Home Phone Numbers

Wealthy First Class Travelers

Updated: 11/2022

Ultra Affluent Travelers who are accustomed to travel first class and stay at four and five star hotels.  These individuals frequent high priced luxury resorts, cruises, casinos and exotic locations.  These individuals have traveled within the last 12 months or have expressed an interest to travel to a luxury destination within the last 12 months. Average vacation stay is 7 days

  • 382,703 Wealthy First Class Travelers
  • 29,646 With Phone Numbers
  • Total 54,085 All Opt-In Email Addresses
  • AVG. AGE 56
  • AVG. INCOME 220K

Affluent Older Investors

  • 5,682,421 Affluent Older Investors Over Age 50
  • 4,836,386 With Phone Numbers
  • 2,716,215 Affluent Older Investors Over Age 60
  • 2,004,619 With Phone Numbers
  • 1,406,307 Affluent Older Investors Over Age 65
  • 986,467 With Phone Numbers

Total All -1,373,441 Opt-In Email Addresses

American Express Credit Card Holders

These are Affluent Individuals, who are American Express Credit Card Holders.  These Individuals have both, an above average Income, and an above average Net Worth.

  • 1,203,102 Total American Express Credit Card Holders
  • 876,395 With Phone Numbers
  • 566,661 Total Opt-In Email Addresses
  • AVG. AGE 51

Net Worth with Known Investments

  • 565,818 Total Investors with Approximate $1,000,000+ Net Worth
  • 39,891 Total Investors with Approximate $3,000,000+ Net Worth
  • 3,960 Total Investors with Approximate $10,000,000+ Net Worth

Socially Prominent Investors

Updated: 2/2023

  • 1,615 That Own The Largest Estates
  • 36,286 Total Socially Prominent Investors
  • 27,581 With Phone Numbers

Large Yacht Owners

Updated: 11/2022

Affluent individuals who own large yachts (30 feet + ).  These yachts are privately owned and used for leisure.  Many of these individuals are yacht club members.

  • 65,890   Total Large Yacht Owners
  • 34,296   With Phone Numbers
  • 27,476   Opt-In Email Addresses

Chairman of the Board of Directors, At Home Address

28,241 At Home Address Total Chairmen of the Board of Directors

 Private Mortgage Holders

Updated: 1/20232

Individual real estate investors who hold a note or notes on residential or commercial properties.  These investors receive payments directly from the individual who is planning to purchase the property.  Real estate note holders usually carry the note for the entire length of the payment term.

  • 4,536,218 Total Private Mortgage Holders
  • 4,284,534 With Phone Numbers
  • 789,302    Opt-In Email Addresses
  • AVG. AGE 56
  • AVG. INCOME 105K

Doctors who are Heavy Investors

236,482 Total Doctors, who are Heavy Investors At Home Address

Real Estate Developers

Updated: 12/2022

Individual real estate development companies across the U.S.  These firms produce and coordinate perspective real estate opportunities. They coordinate contractors, subcontractors, utilities, county filings, variances and financing.  Their functions are to generate and yield commercial and residential properties.

  • 5,176 Total Real Estate Developers
  • 24,268 With Phone Numbers
  • 20,375 Opt-In Email Addresses

Women Executives & Professionals

289,836 Total Women Executives & Professionals

Total 120,862 All Opt-In Email Addresses

 Tycoon Investors/Philanthropists

Updated: 2/2023

The ultra-affluent individuals found in this premium mailing list with optional opt-in email addresses are attracted to the world of investments and philanthropy.  This marketing data is composed of an audience that has already funded partnership endeavors, invested in large blocks of stocks and municipal bonds, or has taken on massive real estate development projects.  These active investors have also contributed sizeable amounts to, or have personally funded a number of charitable or cultural endeavors.  All marketing data points, self reported and public, are audited and double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience.

  • 24,777 Total Tycoon Investors & Philanthropists
  • 13,199 With Phone Numbers
  • 10,332   Opt-In Email Addresses
  • AVG. AGE 61
  • AVG. INCOME 250K

Second and Vacation Home Investors & Qualified Prospects

Updated: 1/2023

This premium mailing list with optional opt-in email addresses is comprised of prosperous investors with a passion for travel.  The wealthy individuals in this marketing data are frequent travelers; therefore, the purchase of a second home for vacationing and personal use has been deemed advantageous in enriching their luxurious lifestyles or is simply more cost effective.  These individuals are either currently looking to purchase a second home or have requested information regarding the purchase of a second home.  All marketing data points are audited and double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience.

  • 549,376    Second and Vacation Home Investors
  • 61,645    With Phone Numbers (DNC Suppressed)
  • Total 132,784 All Opt-In Email Addresses
  • AVG. AGE 58
  • AVG. INCOME 145K
  • AVG. NET WORTH 850K Plus

Affluent Horse Club Members

Updated: 12/2022

Affluent Horse Club Members, mostly at Home Addresses.  These Upper Echelon, High Income Individuals are Equestrian Enthusiasts who are members of Exclusive Equestrian Clubs and Organizations.

  • 42,116   Total Affluent Horse Club Members
  • 17,563   Opt-In Email Addresses

New York City Millionaires/Investors

Updated: 2/2023

Elite file of the highest income, highest net worth investors located in the greater Manhattan area.  These affluent investors are knowledgeable in all types of financial products ranging from commodities, futures, municipal bonds, real estate and partnerships.  They are attracted to high yield opportunities and also all types of tax-exempt and deferred financial products. These active investors have invested or inquired to invest in a speculative or conservative investment product within the last 12 months.

  • 19,078 Total New York City Millionaires
  • 16,941 With Phone Numbers
  • Total 7,956 All Opt-In Email Addresses
  • AVG. AGE 58
  • AVG. INCOME 200K
  • AVG. NET WORTH 1.75M

Custom Geo-Demographic

Are looking for something very specific or for those in certain life stages?
We can compile a custom list for you based on your exact specifications.

  • Over 542 Total Data Select Filters
  • Private / Custom Data Modeling
  • Predictive Modeling - First Time Buyers with IPS Search History in certain states/regions

Data / Geo Farm List Building

We can Build and Manage your farm list.

Consistency over Quantity

Frequency and Content are more important than large quantity mailings 2-3 times a year   

Marketing Precision

We can build  Hybrid Lists based on

Predictive Analytics or Lenght of Residence or Loan To Value