Address Data

Targeting is one of the most critical elements of any marketing campaign. We offer many solutions depending on the goal of each campaign. We maintain a complete database of Metro DC Residential and Business address for your use.


Many Realtors prefer to use subdivision list, Byeford, Glenn Forest Estates, Chevy Chase View etc. This is one of the most common databases we use. This data is pulled from tax records. Simply tell us the subdivision(s) you want in the "Mailing Information" box at check out and we will pull the most current counts. If your quantity needs adjustment we will change it and email you the correct counts for your approval and get your order rolling. Want to see various current counts? Fill out the Quick Count form and we will email you whatever info you need for review.


Maintain neighborhood areas and with our Google Style Mapping Tool you can outline the target zones you want to included in your campaign. This pin point method allows you to build a custom farming zone that is often the best possible fit for your marketing strategy.  You can do this yourself or we can do this with you or your marketing manager over a 10 minute WebEx session.


Pulling from tax records and looking at address specific data we can identify those prospects that own homes but do not live in them (rental properties, trusts, arms length relationships etc). Our data provides the owners name and address as well as the associated property. One of the most compelling campaigns we have is,  adding high level personalization to the direct mail piece indicating the address of the owners rental property with relevant information about that specific housing market.


Effective condo marketing is completely based on all the principles associated with relevant marketing strategies. Drilling down this data by condo owners, both living in the building or renting and renters in the building, creates the most effective list.  Often this data is complied building by building and although each campaign can be small in quantity , consistent marketing has proven to be effective in generating listing appointments.


Just Listed and Just Sold direct mail marketing is very effective. Driven by many factors, the most dominating being your representation of a property and the intelligence you obtained in the sales process - being valuable to a home owner close by who is considering listing their home for sale. This combined with a continuation of your brand marketing will generate listing appointments.

Often this campaigns feature 200 or 300 nearby homes and the cost is low (i.e.. 200 cards for $100  or so)


We can start from a geotechnical approach and  overlay  into 1000's of  databases - absentee, trust owners, income specific owners, mortgage data, consumer data, age, length of ownership, LISTING PREDICTOR models, etc.. Or find you everyone that has lived in their home for over 25 years and is 65 years old or older....the possibilities are endless.  WE are more than happy to talk with you  about your ideas and your needs.

We Have A Very Close Relationship With DATA!

Unlike most other direct mail firms in the area we are what is known as a Certified Full Service USPS Partner. We also operate on the two highest processing levels within USPS - Seamless and E-In Duction. Months of testing, continuing re certifications, software investment, multiple live "real time data feeds" are just some of the assets we need to deploy to offer our clients the greatest return. Here is what we do with you list our even our list prior to mailing- WE PROCESSES FOR: Deceased Records - These are names that have a strong likelihood of now being deceased. We have removed the "First Name" and appended "Family " after the last name on your mailing pieces. Many of these (around 65%) will move toward a transaction in the next twelve months. . Sounds like a lead to me!

NCOA Records - These are address and/or names that match the USPS National Change of Address list.

They have submitted to USPS that their mail now be sent to a new address. Your return list is requested will contain the "Old or Previous Address" - Fields -   oaddress, ocity, ost -etc as well as their current address.

PCOA or ACOA Records - These are addresses and names that match large data compiling firms (3 Credit Bureaus - Consumer Compiler aka big data) that show a likelihood of the address or persons at the address, being changed or updated recently. Your return list is requested will contain the "Old or Previous Address" - Fields -   oaddress, ocity, ost - etc as well as their current address. Vacant Records - These are addresses as identified by USPS as being vacant. This info generally comes from the postal carrier that walks those routes or a large amount of UAA (undeliverable mail) has been found. Sounds like a lead to me!

UNNDEL- Undeliverable Records These are addresses as identified by USPS as being no match to any of delivery points in their database. If we have strong confidence this is in error or you have First Class Mail from your SOI we will mail these.
NUN- Not correct Unit Number Records These are addresses as identified by USPS as incorrect primialry with regard the secondary number - Apt, Condo Suite etc. If we have strong confidence this is error, or you have First Class Mail from your SOI we may/may not have mailed these.

UNM- Unit Number Missing Records These are addresses as identified by USPS as need an additional secondary number - Apt, Condo Suite etc. If we have strong confidence this is in error, or you have First Class Mail from your SOI we will mail these.

Oh did we mention, that we also embed a unique serial number in every barcode and when it is
scanned on the various machines at USPS it "Pings" or servers and we create a Live Campaign Tracking Report? Ask us how this can then be used with any or our Multi Channel Marketing Platforms.

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