Mailing List Formats & Specifications
Getting The List Right!
Do you have your own list to submit? Lest make sure have at least the basic fields and they are separated.
First Name, Last Name or Combined | Address |Apt or Unit #|City|State| Zip Code ( city, st, zip can be combined in one field)
Standard List Formats
We prefer lists to be submitted in one of the following common formats:
We can accept formats other than those listed above, however additional time and fees may apply if it's necessary to adjust or manipulate your data. If you're unsure about your mailing list meeting our specifications, feel free to contact our us via phone 301-233-9779 or email [email protected]
Are you exporting form a CRM - You should have a selection called CSV and this works the best.
Do you have mailing labels? We can apply them by hand for a per piece charge added to our standard mailing services fees. However, we will not be able to apply postal discounts to your mailers, Full first class postage will be required to mail your cards.