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How Do I Export a PDF Correctly?

When exporting from any program such as InDesign or Illustrator, use these settings below to make sure your .pdf files export correctly.

If you are exporting from your company marketing platform select any option that specifies Print or Print Ready in the description.

BLEED – If you are exporting from InDesign or Quark- Select Use Document Bleed Setting

MARKS – We prefer – No do not want color bars, No Registration marks, No cut marks, No Trim Marks other markings only the bleed – if possible. If you cannot exclude those other items no problem –  use that setting as we do need the bleed

Please have all Hi Res images in your document. If you are using a special font please either use as an outline or export your document as a Package via a compressed (zip) file and upload that fine i.l.o just the PDF. If we see this as an issue we will reach out if we cannot locate the font on our end.

FLATTEN – We suggest if color is critical or are using a transpaancy(s) as overlays, make sure you have converted convert all colors to CMYK before saving your file and Flatten all your layers or when you export. .

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