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What Is A Proof?

A representation of what the finished printed product will look like. They are designed to simulate, as closely as possible, the exact appearance a job will take when printed on our press. It is used to make sure any mistakes or errors are caught before the order goes to the printing press. It is for your benefit that you look over your proof carefully to make sure any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors are caught at this stage along with photo selection and location, and legibility. Your order will be printed exactly as it appears on the proof (not including exact color match). At the same time, you agree to verify the proof and any mistakes found after your approval of the proof that require a reprint due to typographical errors will be at your expense

(2) Types of Proofs

E Proof – A Low res pdf file we email or send a link to you for your review

Hard Proof – an actual printed sample that will represent what your finished product will  look like. This may not include any specific binding or booklet making or may also be on a larger sheet.

VERY IMPORTYANT – Any request for Proof either E Proof will effect your Print Turnaround time and thus your delivery time. We suggest you review all aspects of your project  be ready to go.

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